The Six Group advances human rights, religious freedom, and the cause of liberty around the world.
For inquiries, contact us here.
Meet our Founders:
Isaac and Dr. Janessa Six founded The Six Group in 2025 to advocate for communities facing violence or hostility on the basis of faith. From Iraq to Thailand, their work has reached people in over 30 countries, providing hope and assistance wherever it is needed most.
Isaac and Janessa’s calling to advance religious freedom and assist those in need began at an early age, and throughout their careers in government affairs and medicine their work has always kept faith and the foundational principles of freedom at its core.
This commitment to rights, and especially to advancing religious freedom, shapes the work of the Six Group and is rooted in Isaac and Janessa’s own deeply held convictions.
Our advocacy efforts place a special emphasis on those who have been imprisoned or taken against their will for peacefully practicing their faith. With experience helping secure the release of prisoners in Kazakhstan, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, and elsewhere, the Six Group utilizes its networks to advance freedom for wrongfully held individuals and deter future arrests.
The Six Group maintains a dynamic focus on assistance projects, adapting to the unique needs of various communities and supporting efforts that create durable solutions for the people we help.
The Six Group is committed to partnership with like-minded individuals and organizations who share in our core values, especially our relentless focus on impact and positive change.